The layout tours will feature some of the most recognizable layouts in the country as well as some new entrants. There will be a total of 46 layouts open during the convention. See below for all current listed layout tours.
Layout Tours – Daily Planned Tours
To optimize time and assure attendees can see as many layouts as possible, the layouts have been grouped into open areas on specific days. On Thursday and Friday there will be distinct choices in which direction and distance to drive form the convention hotel. The following map shows each area and the driving time to that area form the convention hotel. All layouts will be open from 1 to 5 on tour days. Note that some layouts may be open on other days as well. The Layout Guide distributed before the convention will include suggestions on directions for missing commute traffic as well as meal suggestions in each tour area.
Click on the blue highlighted title block below for details about each Tour.

Tour 1 – Thursday
Tour 1 is from Los Altos to South San Francisco. The closest layouts are about 20 minutes form the Sonesta, the farthest about 45 minutes.
Tour 2 – Thursday
Tour 2 is the South Coast, from Santa Cruz to Salinas. The closest layouts are about 45 minutes, the longest is about 75 minutes driving. Great layouts, but a good carpooling day.
Tour 3 – Friday
Tour 3 includes the layouts in the South Bay including San Jose and Los Gatos. The closest layouts are about 15 minutes, the longest is about 30 minutes driving.
Tour 4 – Friday
Tour 4 is the Far East Bay from Livermore to Crockett. The closest layouts are about 30 minutes, the longest is an hour driving.
Tour 5 – Saturday
Tour 5 will include the East Bay from Richmond to Milpitas. The closest layouts are about 15 minutes, the longest is an hour driving.
Wednesday, Sunday and Other Open Layout Times
Some layouts will be open before and after the convention. Also, some club layouts will be open at times other than a tour for visiting.

Layout Tour List – Click each layout for more information
The following are layouts currently committed to be open. Each layout incudes the Tour Number and Tour Day for your planning. New layouts will be added regularly as information becomes available. Schedules for layout times will be made available closer to the convention.